Mining with Arduino
It is possible to mine something with an Arduino board, although it seems strange yes, although you will not become a millionaire, or who knows, it all depends on the evolution of the market, and the patience you have.
But you can mine, and what you mine, you can do holding, or swap to another currency, such as Tron, Stellar or BitcoinCash among others, as long as you get to mine a minimum of 200DUCO today.
Materials needed to make the project
We have the possibility of mining with:
- Arduino One (generic ones are perfectly valid).
- Arduino Nano (also valid the generic ones)
- ESP8266
- ESP32
- RaspberryPi 1/2/3/3+/4
- NanoPi/OrangePi/…
But here is not like ASIC mining, whoever has more power gets the best part of the cake, here we have a system called “Kolka system”, and it is that makes it just that we all have the same possibilities, in other words, you can mine with RasPi 4 or a PC with GPU, YES, is it worth it? No.
The more power the higher the % of performance loss, or in other words, an Arduino mines more than a RasPi4, and we have another drawback, can I get hundreds of boards to mine? Yes, you can, but for each board, you lose 4% of performance over the previous one, the balanced number is around 20 approx, in maintenance tasks, is reduced to 12 approx, so if you have 30 or 50 boards, only 12 for example are the ones that really mine, the rest … spend electricity.
How to mine with an Arduino/ESPx board
In linux, we add to the file /etc/udev/rules.d/01-mingin.rules these lines.
## ESP32
ATTRS{idVendor}=="10c4", ATTRS{idProduct}=="ea60", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"## Arduino One
ATTRS{idVendor}=="2341", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0043", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
To mine, we must clone the project’s code repository on our computer.
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
$ sudo apt install python python3 python-dev python3-dev python3-pip git python3-setuptools python3-pil python3-wheel python3-pil.imagetk python3-serial minicom libhdf5-dev libpq-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev -y$ git clone
$ cd duino-coin
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
$ sudo chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/01-mingin.rules
We will also need the Arduino IDE software.
For Arduino boards:
Open folder, Arduino_Code and select file “Arduino_Code.ino” project.
The Arduino IDE will open with the project
The only thing left to do is to program the board, click on upload, as we normally do with the projects we program, and we are done.
Not to mention that Arduino needs a host to work, the ESP8266 and ESP32 boards do not require a host, just power and wifi connection.
For Arduino boards, once we have programmed them, on the host, we run the script python3, we can automate it to load at system startup, once it is already configured.
Once you run the script, you will get a wizard, where you will be asked a series of data, your wallet user, important, you must be previously registered, if not, you can not mine, also ask you where you have the board connected, if you have an Arduino One, is usually in /dev/ttyACM0, then assign a name, and the level of earnings, important, it is not affected your rewards, I put the maximum level (5), so we help the developers of the project.
and that’s it, start mining.